Evening menu
With elder vinegrette
49 kr
Roasted cashews
75 kr
Anchovies served crostini & lemon
145 kr
Manzanilla olives
Marinated olives
65 kr
Salty crisps with bleak roe
with bleek roe, red onion and crème fraiche .
155 kr
Salty crisps
with red onion & crème fraiche
75 kr
Fried oyster
With pickled cucumber & aioli
69 kr
Bleak roe toast
Kalix bleak roe with crème fraiche, red onion, lemon & toast
315 kr
Baked cauliflower, blue cheese, almonds, browned butter, pear, red currant & kale chips
165 kr
Fish and mussel soup
Fish and mussel soup with salmon, mussels, shrimps, cod, saffron, vegetables
185 kr
Butter-fried scallops, chanterelles, Västerbottensost cream, fried Jerusalem artichoke & roasted hazelnuts
225 kr
Beef Tartare
Beef tartare with potato crisps, grated Gruyère, pine nuts, pickled onion, capers, soybeans & Dijon cream
195 kr
From land
Hamburger with Hamburger dressing, tomato, red onion, romaine lettuce, salt cucumber, mustard, and pepper jack cheese, French fries & aioli
Alt. Vegetarian burger 265 kr
Sirloin steak
Served with pumpkin purée, beans, kohlrabi, parsley butter, red wine sauce, & parmesan roasted potatoes
395 kr
Beef tartare
Beef tartare with potato crisps, grated Gruyère, pine nuts, pickled onion, capers, soybeans & Dijon cream served with French fries
285 kr
Pumpkin risotto with baked celeriac, radish, beans, fried-and charred leeks
285 kr
Pulled pork burger with pickled shallots, chipotle mayonnaise, roasted onions & French fries
195 kr
From sea
Catch of the day
Served with butter-fried cabbage, chanterelles, browned butter with thyme and lemon, cured lingonberries & fried potato croquettes
changes daily kr
Moules frites
Mussels from Mollösund in creamy sauce served with French fries & aioli
295 kr
Hake served with brussels sprouts, mushrooms, hot-smoked pork belly, pickled pearl onions, red wine sauce, & potato purée
395 kr
Fish and mussel soup anno 1999
with saffron, cod, salmon, shrimp, mussels & shredded vegetables
285 kr
Crème brûlée
Crème Brûlée with cream cheese ice cream, carrot cake & apple marmalade
125 kr
Crème brûlée
95 kr
Chocolate mousse with vanilla pannacotta, coconut cake, salted caramel & blackberry sorbet
125 kr
A scoop of ice cream or sorbet
55 kr
Cheese & Marmalade
Swedish aged cheese, fig marmalade & seed crispbread
95 kr
Coffee sweets
Dark truffle, white chocolate fudge & cookie
55 kr
For our younger guests
With whipped cream and jam.
95 kr
With cream sauce, lingonberry jam, cucumber and boiled potatoes.
95 kr
Fish and mussel soup
With saffron, salmon, cod, shrimp, mussels and vegetables.
155 kr
Todays special
Only during lunch hours. Kids portion of to days special.
95 kr
With melted butter, potato puree and sugar peas.
175 kr
Vanilla Ice cream
Vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce
65 kr